Samantha Schaefer is our Featured Artist of the Day!
Samantha, Virginia born and raised, graduated last May with a BFA in Craft/Material Studies from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has been creating work similar to her pieces in "Undiscovered." for over five years. "I have been creating work that is politically charged for over five years now, but being a weaver over the past two years has been a somewhat newer development in my artistic career", says Schaefer. When creating her pieces, she starts by doing research on current and historical events. Then, she produces sketches and samples, in which she reflects her reactions to those events.
Her three pieces in "Undiscovered.", "Breakdown", "Pot Callin' the Kettle Black", and "Oppression Pillows", are inspired by her view of society. She explains her inspiration behind "Oppression Pillows", "A pillow can observe many things while sitting on your couch. What kind of data could it potentially collect on us? This piece explores the role of the domestic object in today's panoptic society. Everything about our lives is now collected, recorded, watched, and stored via various means of possible unlawful surveillance. How far is too far?".
Visit Gallery Flux today to see Samantha Schaefer's work in our "Undiscovered." Show! Visit us from 5:30-8:00pm for the First Thursday Opening Reception! Both spaces will be open tonight, so come see "Plein Air & and Big Skies" for the first time and visit 302 England Street to get another glace at the "Undiscovered." Show!

"Oppression Pillows" (series of 7)
Mixed media Hand Shibori Dyed and Silkscreened Pillows with Polyester Filling